Monday, October 22, 2007

Black being Back

It was very interesting to read Pepper Millers article. I also read the readers comment section and found that equally interesting. I completely understand why some say that race should hardly ever be mentioned because skin color is only skin deep and why does it matter. On the other hand, I agree with what a man commented (a black guy in fact) that it's fine to use someones race because it helps when trying to communicate a past memory or describe someone by using dominant traits.
Also, ANY feature used to describe someone can be put to a negative slant. If you say the word "blond" in a certain way, it may sound like your saying a girl is stupid or shallow. Or if you say, "you know, the guy that always wears the same shirt" someone might take that as that he is dirty or poor or has bad fashion taste. When really, they are just describing physical traits. There is a difference in how the words are said. When said in a certain way with a certain attitude behind it, it could be including racial prejudices. But said just as a word, a physical trait, it just means that physical trait. People just pick the most dominant traits to help get to the point faster. It's just in how you say it.
Also, I know that the kind of places I grew up, there weren't many black people intermixing with us. So, when there was one in the group, their color stood out, even if their personality fix in perfect and it was no big deal them being different. When describing them, all you had to say was their color and the other person knew who I was talking about immediately. Some might call it the easy way out, but I disagree.
Also , one person's comment on Pepper's wall got me thinking. If someone uses another person's race as a insult toward them, they need to look deeper to find something better to offend with. On the contrary, if your offended by someone calling you a color (the color you actually are), the maybe they need to get more secure in their own skin. I'm not saying this to sound bratty, because I know that white people and black people face racism in very different ways, and I'm not claiming to know what it feels like to have someone not like you simply for your skin color. But, if someone called me a "white girl" I wouldn't be bothered because that's what I am....I'm a female and my skin in pale. Or even if they went so far to try to insult me by saying "she's just a dumb cracker", I would be shocked by their bold rudeness, but I wouldn't be offended, because it would be apparent that they had problems of their own and also, I know that I'm not dumb and I'm confident in that fact.

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